Clean a Home in Half the Time!

Reclaim Your Weekends!

Become better than 99% of all the other housecleaners in the country by learning our step-by-step system to transform you into an extremely skilled professional.

Spend less time cleaning!

The Speed Cleaning Training Manual

The first thing you need on your journey to cleaning homes in half the time is our Speed Cleaning Training Manual! This step-by-step manual teaches you exactly what to do to achieve a perfect maintenance clean using a perfect system. 

See what professionals say about the Speed Cleaning system:


“"I was introduced to a cleaning method that is revolutionizing my cleaning business. Speed Cleaning is the name. The first day [we implemented], we shaved 42 minutes off of our first house. I "house checked" more than once because I was sure we had forgotten something huge. Nope. Just efficient and fast. 34 minutes off the second house. On that day, I officially incorporated Speed Cleaning as our new company Bible." 

- Denise

With Speed Cleaning, you can expect...

Clear Guidance 

We have developed a perfect system to help a professional clean in the smartest way possible. This system was developed by cleaning thousands of homes, timing each motion, and analyzing the data, which resulted in the fastest, simplest system that is used by thousands of cleaning professionals to clean efficiently.

Tool Recommendations

The tools we recommend will cut your cleaning time in half. Period. Our tool recommendations are based on putting in minimal amounts of effort to get the job done, with as little elbow grease as possible. While we do have specific suggestions for products, our system can be used with many types of products.

Employee Training

This system excels at being repeatable, and is easy to learn and implement. Every employee can train on how to clean a home using this system, streamlining your new employee onboarding and giving you consistent results at each customer's home. See the results immediately when you implement this perfect system. 

Stop wasting precious time by not using a good system!

Years of testing, 39 years of proof: We've done the work for you. You don't have to spend your precious hours trying to get faster on your own or begging your employees to do the job right. Transform the way you clean and reduce customer complaints by using a perfect, time-tested system!

Revolutionize Your Cleaning Business!

Benefits You'll Reap!

Time = Money: How many more homes could you clean in a week if you shaved off over half your cleaning time? 

Learn how to clean faster without compromising on the quality of the clean.

Expertise: Understand the 'why' and 'how' behind every cleaning technique.

Cost Savings: Avoid wasting money on unnecessary products. Know what works!

Consistency: Every home cleaned using the same system, every time. No more guessing games, just a step-by-step system.

We Cover Everything

Crystal-Clear Guidance

Streamlined Strategies

Fastest Methods

Product Recommendations

Step-by-Step Lessons

Become a Time-Saving Pro


Frequently Asked Questions

Will this really give me back more time?

After almost 40 years of teaching this system, we have saved hundreds of thousands of hours of time NOT spent cleaning...think of what you could do with that kind of time!

Is this system good enough for a professional to use?

Definitely! Over 5,000 cleaning professionals around the world use our Speed Cleaning System and even our non-toxic cleaning products.

Is Speed Cleaning suitable for complete cleaning beginners?

Absolutely! We break down our method into its simplest form so that even a cleaning novice can just pick it up and go! Our course offers valuable insights for everyone.

Will this make onboarding new employees easier?

Definitely! This is the perfect employee training manual. We tell you where to start, what to do first, what to do second, and exactly how to proceed at each step until the job is complete.

Are the eco-friendly products recommended in the course easily available?

Yes, we focus on suggesting products that are both effective and easily available. However, they are just suggestions and our method can be used with other products.


I'm Amy Sardone

Nice to meet you! I am an astrophysicist-turned-entrepreneur, and a co-owner and CEO of Speed Cleaning.

I use my background as a scientist to ensure that you get the absolute best, fastest, and most easy-to-understand system ever, so you can get back to spending your weekends doing the things you'd rather be doing.

Speed Cleaning's founder, Jeff Campbell, spent years perfecting the Speed Cleaning system by analyzing the data from cleaning thousands of homes and testing every motion involved. Since then, Speed Cleaning has been used in hundreds of thousands of homes, saving countless hours. Jeff worked with the leading expert in the cleaning industry, Debbie Sardone, to adapt the original Speed Cleaning system to be implemented easily for professionals.

We also know that to cut down on cleaning time, our cleaning tools have to work at maximum capacity. That's why we created our special non-toxic formulas to function as heavy-duty cleaners, and with ingredients you'd let into your kitchen and around your children.

Speed Cleaning gives you the guidance you need to spend less time cleaning, and peace of mind about the products you use!


Our Mission

We help busy people spend more time doing what they love by teaching them how to cut their cleaning time in half.

What others say about us

Nearly 40 years of happy customers.

"Wish I'd heard of this sooner"

"My husband and I have been in the cleaning industry for over 20 years. I was skeptical. Is this really the answer to the exact problem that I have with my business? We received everything and started training. I couldn’t have even imagined what would happen next. The first day of wearing the apron, we shaved 42 mins off of our first house. I “house checked” more than once because I was sure we had forgotten something huge. Nope. Just efficient and fast. I cant even begin to express my gratitude for the Speed Cleaning process and products. I only wish I had heard of this sooner."  -Denise B.

"Hands down recommend"

"I implemented Speed Cleaning about 6 weeks ago now and my technicians love it. Is nice to have a complete training system that is easy for everyone to follow along with and creates uniformity across the board. I wasn't sure my legacy cleaners would be on board with the aprons, but they do. Can't wait to see where this continues to take us!"
Update: "One of my top cleaners is now cleaning a 6 hour home in 3.5 hours because we are implementing the Speed Cleaning System. Hands Down I recommend Speed Cleaning to anybody.
-Jean-Marie P.

"Highly recommend to any cleaning business"

"We've been using the Speed Cleaning method and training program since we started our business 6 years ago. After 30 days, all I hear is "I could never clean without the apron." The process is proven to clean more efficiently and it's a systematic way of working around the room quicker but better. All of the training exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend this training for any cleaning business. The program will teach your employees how to provide the perfect maintenance clean every time."  
-Lisa S.

"No more wasted time"

"This is a "must have" for anyone who cleans his own home. Even if you don't have the goal of cleaning your house in 42 minutes there is much to learn. The tips I picked up on how to do a job just once are alone worth the time and money. My most obsessive areas are the floors and bathrooms; I can now keep them company-ready with a minimal time each day. It is sad to think of the many hours I've wasted rinsing a sponge and re-cleaning what I just cleaned."  -TH

"It transformed my home"

"Speed Cleaning has helped me to transform my home. Having a specific housecleaning process written out for me step-by-step made everything click. Speed Cleaning spells out an entire weekly cleaning routine, which you do on one day, and ideally get it down to less than one hour, total. You follow a specific path through each room. Not only do you get the cleaning done fast, it is done to what I consider to be a professional level."

"Every move choreographed"

"I already knew the basics of cleaning and already brought my supplies with me in a tray, so I wasn't sure there was a lot I could learn from this. But I was wrong. Not only do I clean the house faster now, but it is cleaner. It is amazing how much cleaner and less dusty my house is now. Every move really is choreographed, and I can see how my speed will increase over time using these methods."  

"We experimented with different cleaning techniques and timed
each method"

We set out to discover the absolutely best way to tackle every housecleaning task: What was the ideal approach to countertops? What was the best way to tackle a dirty shower? What was the smartest way to dust?

​And, above all, what was the ideal system to tie together all these cleaning tasks so a person could move through a house quickly and efficiently without sacrificing high quality results?

-Speed Cleaning Founder, Jeff Campbell

Our Products

These will set you up for success!

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Our Blog

Featured Posts

The Sh-Mop Returns: A Mopping Marvel Makes A Triumphant Comeback!

Today, we're thrilled to share some exciting news that's going to make your cleaning routine a whole lot smoother. Remember the fantastic Sh-Mop that used to be your trusty sidekick for squeaky-clean floors? Well, hold onto your cleaning cloths because it's back, and it's better than ever!

Ready To Get Started Here Today And Achieve This Amazing Thing?

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